Wood Faces & Art

The Wood Faces series is wall art that utilizes selective flitch cuts which are carved to represent animal, human, and sci-fi shapes--and also includes pieces or burls that are bookmatched to represent faces. As logs are cut on the bandsaw mill with slabs coming off to work towards timbers, these pieces are set aside as I see the potential to make "faces" or other unique shapes from them. After drying the slabs are then chainsaw-carved or bandsawn to rough shape and finished with a hand sander, as well as receiving a coat of veggie-based tung oil.
The forms are all outlined by hand without the use of templates or tools--they are often based upon the heartwood/sapwood line as well as just the feel of making a nice curve or well-proportioned face. I am well aware that these pieces can be interpreted as many things [which I enjoy hearing about] including the female form, but my intention in making them is based upon my "faces" series--ultimately you as the viewer see what you want to :)
Many pieces are currently available in this series, and custom orders are welcome. Other pieces are often made outside the "faces" series if I feel that the wood is better served this way than as a piece of furniture or even firewood. Some of the works are also a play upon the traditional 2-D world, adding a new element to what can be put on the wall and therefore called “art”.
Contact Justin Savu at 906-360-7288 to order a custom piece or with wood art questions. Visit Wood Faces & Art Photos for more pictures and to see how wood faces are made.

White Pine

White Pine

White Pine

White Pine

White Pine

White Pine

White Pine