Cutting Boards

WCW offers a full line of solid wood cutting boards and specializes in burl, birds-eye maple, and curly maple boards with outstanding figure and natural edges. A variety of shapes [square, rectangle, round] and sizes are available from small 4"x6" to large 16"x24", with larger sizes offered by custom order.
A smaller board can be dedicated to garlic and onions only to prevent flavor transfer to fruits and vegetables. All boards are sanded smooth with softened corners and come finished with a beeswax-coconut oil-almond oil mix.
The wood is sourced from mostly self-produced hardwood including sugar and red maple, white and yellow birch, cherry, beech--with some locally purchased black walnut and birds-eye maple as well. Most boards are a single piece or have one [well blended] glue line.
Contact Justin Savu at 360-7288 for cutting board orders. You may also visit the Zero Degrees Artist Gallery at 525 N. 3rd St. in Marquette to purchase the cutting boards.